Paper on CO2 reduction published in Nature Communications by Professor He Chuanxin and his research group
Prof. Junle Qu, Prof. Jun Song and their team from the College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering of Shenzhen University published a paper entitled “Self-powered photodetectors based on CsxDMA1-xPbI3 perovskite films with high de...
Professor Xu Gaixia’s research team of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Health Science Center at Shenzhen University, in collaboration with Professor Mark T. Swihart’s team of the State University of New York, Buffalo and Prof...
Recently, Professor Ren Xiangzhong and his research group from the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Shenzhen University published a research article entitled “Rational Design of Positive-Hexagon-Shaped Two-Dimensional Z...
Recently, Academician Fan Dianyuan, Professor Zhang Wei, and their research group from Shenzhen University published a research article entitled “Liquefaction of Water on the Surface of Anisotropic Two-dimensional Atomic Layered Black P...
From November 23rd to 25th, the symposium on “Innovation of Literary Theory in the New Era” and the 15th Annual Meeting of China Association of Chinese and Foreign Literary Theory was held at SZU.
On November 22nd, the first Jao Tsung-I Cultural Forum on “The Cultural Innovation and the Fate of Humanity” was held in Zijing Mountain Villa, Shenzhen, jointly sponsored by the Institute of Jao Tsung-I Cultural Studies and the Dep...
Recently, Xiaogang Liu, Yu Wang and other members of SZU-NUS Collaborative Innovation Center for Optoelectronic Science and Technology published an original research article entitled “All-Inorganic Perovskite Nanocrystal Scintillators”...
Recently, Dianyuan Fan’s research team of International Collaborative Laboratory of 2D Materials for Optoelectronic Science and Technology of Ministry of Education in our University observed an ideal Weyl system in experiment through a ...
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