



The Journal of Shenzhen University Science and Engineering is a general science and technology academic journal, managed and produced by Shenzhen University, and published by Science Press.It was first published in 1984. It is issued on a bimonthly basis (appearing on odd months) as an A4, 112-page magazine, distributed both domestically and overseas.

The Journal publishes articles and letters covering a wide range of fields, including optoelectronic engineering, electronics & information science, architecture & civil engineering, chemistry & chemical engineering,  materials science, mathematics & applied mathematics, physics & applied physics, bioengineering, environmental science & energy, and transportation logistics.

The Journal is recognized as a core Chinese science and technology journal by the Overview of Core Chinese Periodicals (published by the Peking University Library) and the Statistical Source Journal for Chinese Science and Technology Articles (published by the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China [ISTIC]). It is also indexed by many authoritative domestic and international databases, including the Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD), the Annual Report for Chinese Academic Joural Impact Factors (Natural Science), SCOPUS (based in the Netherlands), and Zentralblatt MATH (based in Germany). The Journal’s 2018 impact factor was 1.000, and the 2018 5-year impact factor was 1.107.

Website address: http://xb.szu.edu.cn/CN/volumn/edu.cn/CN/edu.cn/CN/home.shtml