On September 10th, 2023, the unveiling ceremony of the TianDu-Shenzhen University Joint Laboratory for Deep Space Exploration was held at Huiwen Building, Shenzhen University. It isone of the first labs co-establishedby SZU andthe Deep Space Exploration Lab.
Mao Junfa,presidentof SZU, said that the establishment of the joint lab not only signals achievements of SZU in the field of space science, but also marks the substantial step towards the in-depth cooperation betweentheDeep Space Exploration Lab and SZU. Itishoped that both sides will regard the joint lab as a platform, based on which academic exchanges, talent cultivation, international cooperation,and scientificinnovation could befurtherpursued. Maosaid hewas confident that, through their win-win cooperation,the two sides will made significantscientificbreakthroughsandcontribute to China's deep space exploration industry.
Academician Wu Weiren, who attended the ceremony, saidthat through the unremittingefforts madebygenerations ofresearchers, China's deep space exploration industry has witnessed significant progressand is nowleadingin certain areas. Theestablishmentof the joint labhelps boostthe national deep space explorationindustry, promotescientificinnovationand exchanges,and promotetalents cultivation. He believed the lab will become ahigh-level platformof cooperation foruniversities andresearchinstitutes from home and abroad.
Academician Xie Heping delivered aspeechat the ceremony. He introducedthe conception of launchingalunar large-depth and fidelity core prospecting,usingthe self-developed in-situ deep fidelity core prospecting and fidelity analysis system. The project willaddress theissue of “beingunable to drill deep and gain authenticalsamples” duringlunar core sampling.He alsorevealed explorations and breakthroughs of lunar large-depth fidelity core sampling and prospecting, the conception of large-depth fidelity core sampling and prospecting ontheMars,andthe in-situ environmental testing system for deep space (the Moon andtheMars) core samples reconstruction. The Deep Space Exploration Lab and Xie also jointly established astudiotocollaborateon issues related to the exploitation of deep space material resources.