


Professor Xu Gaixia's research team publishes cover paper in Chemical Society Reviews

Professor Xu Gaixia’s research team of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Health Science Center at Shenzhen University, in collaboration with Professor Mark T. Swihart’s team of the State University of New York, Buffalo and Professor Ken-Tye Yong’s team of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, published a review article entitled “Recent advances in copper sulphide-based nanoheterostructures” in Chemical Society Reviews, a top SCI journal in chemistry founded by the Royal Society of Chemistry (Impact factor: 40.443). The paper was chosen as the cover paper of volume 48, issue 19 of the journal.

Dr. Liu Maixian of Professor Xu Gaixia's team and Dr. Liu Yang of Professor Mark T. Swihart’s team are the co-first authors. Shenzhen University is the first corresponding address. Professor Xu Gaixia and Professor Wang Xiaomei of Shenzhen University, Professor Mark T. Swihart of the State University of New York, Buffalo, Associate professor Ken-Tye Yong of Nanyang Technological University, and Associate Professor Gu Bobo of Shanghai Jiaotong University are the co-corresponding authors.

Due to the high mobility of copper ions in structurally-related phases, copper sulphide has been widely used as a starting template to fabricate various heterostructures via cation exchange. The review article discusses recent progress in heterostructure fabrication methods using copper sulphide. It focuses on various reports of cation exchange-based approaches and summarizes key emerging applications that can employ these copper-sulphide-based nanoheterostructures.

The research team has long been dedicated to researching biomedical application of new nano materials and micro imaging methods. Their findings have been published widely in international top journals, including Chemical Reviews (2016, 116: 12234−12327); Sensor and Actuator B (2016, 235: 170-178); Advanced Materials (2017, 29: 1701076); Nanoscale (2018, 10: 5060–5064); Advanced Healthcare Materials (2019, 8(8): 1801318); and Chemical Reviews (2019, 119(16): 9559-9656).

The work of the research team was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Guangdong Science and Technology Department.

Link to the paper:
