


SZU’s AI Lab Fighting the Epidemic

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus in China in January 2020, the Chinese people, united as one, have been determined to contain this virus. In Shenzhen University, the National Laboratory of Big Data Systems Computing is also doing its part. The lab has been providing data and has designed technology to monitor intelligent body temperature for governments in Hubei, Shandong, Shanxi, Liaoning, Guangdong, Chongqing, and Jiangsu.

With joint effort from China mobile and Jetflow, a big data company and member unit of the lab, the lab has designed a big data system for government of Wenzhou city. Semantic and sentiment analysis are conducted based on data collected from the internet and the telephone hot-line 12345. This system can keep officials informed about issues of public concern so as to respond on time.

There is great pressure on adopting strict measures to prevent and control the spread of the virus, with migrant workers going back to their workplaces.. In public places, checkpoints with devices to measure body temperature have been set up, checking people coming in and out.

The lab and Jetflow also co-operate to design a twofold approach: first identify people with high body temperature through intelligent cameras, then locate individuals based on facial recognition. Moreover, with human identification and behavior analysis underlying this approach, the monitoring remains accurate even in crowded places and the recognition remains effective even if people are wearing masks.

While the coronavirus still runs rampant across China, the epidemic prevention and control will be more effective with the help of AI. There is little we cannot achieve when we stand united. Shenzhen University’s National Lab and Jetflow are willing to mobilize all available resources and fight alongside the Chinese people to contain this epidemic.